This will probably be my last post before heading for Baltimore and the ACC show there. I've been working on charms for the show. I think I mentioned that they have a special promotion for the jewelers who want to participate by making a "mini-collection" of charms and pieces incorporating charms. I've made several pieces, and these are the 2 I like best. The first is a charm bracelet with charms that combine my oxidized silver tubes with gemstones. #2 is a necklace, just using the tubes. I've also made several loose charms, because I think one of the most interesting things about the promotion is that the show people will create and sell pieces (charm bracelets, necklaces, whatever) that incorporate charms from several artists. I think that sounds interesting.
If any of you are in the Baltimore area next weekend (Feb 20-22) come check out the show. It's at the Baltimore Convention Center, down town. I'm in booth 501, and I'd love to show you my work.